Rob Lloyd Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed middle-grade novels Wild Boy and Wild Boy and the Black Terror, as well as four titles in the Jake Atlas adventure series. This is his first story for younger readers, created with his sons, Otis (9) and Jago (5), during 2020 Lockdown home-schooling. Rob says it ‘celebrates the power of children’s imaginations and their strength in adversity and adventure … and in a monster apocalypse’.
Rob lives in East Sussex with his wife, and monster-mad Otis and Jago.
Alex Patrick's lifelong love for cartoons, picture books and comics has shaped him into the passionate children’s illustrator he is today. Alex loves creating original, humorous characters, and is often found laughing to himself as he draws picture books such as Glamingo and Be Happy. This is his first young fiction title. He lives in Kent.