Meg McKinlay is the author of eighteen books ranging from picture books and young adult fiction through to poetry for adults. Her books for Walker include How to Make a Bird illustrated by Matt Ottley, which won the CBCA Book of the Year 2021, and Duck! illustrated by Nathaniel Eckstrom. Raised in central Victoria, Australia, in a TV- and car-free household, Meg was a bookish kid, in love with words and excited by dictionaries. On the long and winding path to becoming a children’s writer, she has worked a variety of jobs including swim instructor, tour guide, translator and teacher. Meg is now a full-time writer and lives near the ocean in Fremantle, Western Australia, where she is always busy cooking up more books. Find her online at or Twitter and Instagram as @MegMcKinlay.
Karen Blair grew up in Perth, Western Australia. She made her first picture book when she was nine for a Year 5 project, and by the time she was in her 20s and living in the UK, she knew it was her dream to continue. She now lives in Fremantle, Australia, with her husband and two cats and works part-time as a primary art teacher. Find Karen online at or on Instagram @karen_blair_illustrations.