Mara Bergman is an award-winning author, poet and editor who has written over twenty books for young children. Her picture book titles include The Seal on the Beach illustrated by Brita Granström, Bears, Bears Everywhere, illustrated by Helen Craig, Snip Snap Alligator, illustrated by Nick Maland and winner of the Stockport Children's Book Award, Oliver Who Would Not Sleep and Oliver Who Travelled Far and Wide, which won a Booktrust Early Years Award. Born in New York and raised on Long Island, USA, Mara now works in London and lives in Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
Aura Lewis is an author-illustrator traveling around the world. She earned her MFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. She is inspired by women’s history, fashion, social activism and culture from all over the world, as well as vintage ephemera and retro colour palettes and patterns. Aura’s work is featured in books for children and adults, editorial publications, gift books, and stationery.