Angry Cookie

By Laura Dockrill

Illustrated by Maria Karipidou

What happens when a little cookie gets up on the wrong side of bed?

Prepare to fall absolutely in love with this irresistible cookie, crumbly chocolate chips and all. OH NO! Barbra the cactus won’t stop playing her recorder, the yummy strawberry toothpaste has run out, and now – to top it all off – Cookie has to have his hair cut! Which all makes for one VERY ANGRY little cookie... But perhaps you, the reader, can find a way to turn his grumpy frown upside down? This wildly inventive, interactive, laugh-out-loud tale brings Laura Dockrill's one-of-a-kind voice and Maria Karipidou's hilarious illustrations to the Walker list.

Categories: Picture Books

For readers aged: 3+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406383089
  • Published: 06 Sep 2018
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 270 x 230 mm
  • Pages: 40

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Customer reviews


'“The book superbly evokes the roots of a child’s anger – insecurity, frustration, feeling unheard – and the realisation that the reader will listen, even when the Cookie is “a meanie moody moany mongoose”.' The Guardian

'“With playful illustrations by Maria Karipidou, Dockrill’s debut picture book is bright and entertaining and delivers an important message.”' Mail on Sunday

'“[…] a perfect book for talking about emotions, and has a lovely message about sticking around for your friends and loved ones, no matter how moody they are.”' BookTrust

'“[…] an interactive, laugh-a-minute story and you won’t be able to help but love this angry little biscuit”' PictureBooksBlogger

'“I’ve been waiting to get hold of it ever since I saw the initial press release [...] I can’t wait to read this tonight”' Ultimate Girl Gang

'“#BookOfTheYear”' The Book Sniffer

'“So funny and winning. The illustrations had my girls in fits of giggles.”' Two In A Teepee

'“I felt like the book touches perfectly on mental health for children. How many small negatives build to make you feel like the world has turned against you, but how our attitude and strength can turn this into a positive. We loved it so much and I think it will be a regular read at bedtime from now on!”' Kelly Allen Writer

'“Adorable”' Mummy Mishaps

'“It’s such a lovely book for helping children realise that their friends might be a bit miserable or angry at times but it’s important to still be their friend!” ' MeHimTheDogAndTheBaby

'“Packed full of humour […] ”' Mini Travellers blog

'“[…] a regular read at bedtime from now on!”' Kelly Allen Writer

'“Angry Cookie is a funny, entertaining, story with a constructive message about friendship.”' Armadillo

'“[…] terrific fun, with bright colours and plenty of anthropomorphised food.”' Carousel

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