Beast Feast

By Emma Yarlett

A hilarious novelty book about a quick-thinking child and a soft-hearted beast, with letters to open.

Beast has found a tasty dinner, and he's written to all his friends to invite them to a feast. Unfortunately, Dinner is a child who very much does not want to be eaten. As Beast's friends send their instructions for cooking Dinner, is there any way Dinner can convince Beast to change his menu? A vibrant and charming interactive book with hilarious letters to open.

Categories: Novelty Books

For readers aged: 5+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781406386639
  • Published: 03 Oct 2019
  • Price: £10.99
  • Size: 230 x 230 mm
  • Pages: 32

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Customer reviews


'My only complaint would be that now we have to wait for the next book from the hugely talented author illustrator! If you buy one book this Halloween make it this one!' booksforboys.web

'The fun thing about this book is that each invite to each monster is a letter that you can open up and read. It adds another element to the book which Lily thought was fun.' Lily's Little Learners

'Letter-flaps to lift, delicious and disgusting dishes, and the development of an unlikely friendship combine to create a riotous picture book party.' The Guardian Review

'This contribution to the genre, with RSVPs from Sir Gutguzzler and co, is a hoot. Independent readers should also enjoy the gruesome recipes on the endsheets.' The Observer, Children’s Picture Books of the Month

'Those dreading seasonal overindulgence can enjoy Emma Yarlett’s deliciously funny, brightly comic Beast Feast, in which a child has to persuade a monster not to eat him.' New Statesman

'Laugh-out-loud funny, fantastically illustrated and an absolute must in an Early Years classroom.' ReadingZone

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