The King's Shopping

By June Crebbin

Illustrated by Warwick Johnson Cadwell

Based around the nursery rhyme "Sing a Song of Sixpence", these three stories expand the stories of the king, the queen and the maid in amusing and modern ways! Walker Stories support beginner readers making the transition from picture books in an engaging, entertaining and accessible way. Each title features three highly-illustrated, individual short stories linked by one character, so readers can build familiarity and confidence.

Categories: Walker Stories

For readers aged: 5+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781844280902
  • Published: 01 Aug 2005
  • Price: £4.99
  • Size: 185 x 135 mm
  • Pages: 64

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  • The-King-s-Shopping
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  • Hal-the-Pirate
  • The-Dragon-Test
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More books for age 5+

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  • Bunny-and-Clyde
  • When-the-Stammer-Came-to-Stay
  • Brown-Bears
  • The-Princess-in-Black-and-the-Prince-in-Pink
  • Desert-Jungle

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