Walker Books
87 Vauxhall Walk
SE11 5HJ
+44 (0)20 7793 0909
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Shop / Book orders
For any queries about your online book order, please see our Shop FAQs, or contact us on onlineshop@walker.co.uk
Sales Contacts
UK Sales: sales@walker.co.uk
Export Team: enquiries_export@walker.co.uk
Foreign Rights: rights@walker.co.uk
Marketing & Publicity
Marketing Team: marketing@walker.co.uk
Publicity Team: publicity@walker.co.uk
To apply for permissions online, please download and complete our Permissions Form. For other queries contact permissions@walker.co.uk.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts.
We are happy to accept illustrated picture-book stories and/or artwork samples via email – these can be sent to illustratorsubmissions@walker.co.uk.
While we will look carefully at all submissions, we are sorry that we cannot guarantee a reply.
Important Notice about potential Publishing Scams and Fraud:
At Walker Books, we value the work of authors and illustrators. Therefore, we want you to be aware that publisher scams are on the rise and increasing in sophistication. The scams may include fraudulent use of Walker Books’ name, logos, and third parties impersonating our employees, literary agents, or literary service providers. Unexpected communications by phone, email, or social media with promises of publication or options to publish especially with unexpectedly large advances and/or royalties, requests for manuscripts, money, and personal information may be fraudulent. Please be wary of these communications, particularly if they are sent in the form of screenshots or from a previously unknown party.
Please note:
- We do not solicit author manuscripts in this way.
- We will not ask for payment of a fee to review a manuscript or to enter into a publishing agreement with an author.
- Look closely at the sender’s email address in any message that purports to be from [publisher]. Scammers often use misspellings or other variations of domain names and email addresses in their solicitations.
- If the email or phone call appears to be from a [publisher] employee, even if that person exists and works for the company, do not assume it is legitimate
If you receive a communication from Walker Books that you suspect may be fraudulent, please email us at fraud@walkerbooksgroup.com to confirm whether the offer is legitimate.
To learn more about the types of scams you may encounter as an author, visit https://societyofauthors.org/2024/09/04/the-advisory-team-on-scams/. If you are the victim of a scam, we encourage you to contact law enforcement immediately.