Between Worlds: Folktales of Britain & Ireland

By Kevin Crossley-Holland

Illustrated by Frances Castle

The definitive collection of British and Irish folktales from master storyteller and poet Kevin Crossley-Holland.

Rich and strange, these eerie and magical folktales from across Britain and Ireland have been passed down from generation to generation, and are gathered together in a definitive new collection from the master storyteller and winner of the Carnegie Medal, Kevin Crossley-Holland. Dark and funny, lyrical and earthy, these fifty stories are part of an important and enduring historical tradition that dates back hundreds of years. Described by Neil Gaiman as the "master", Crossley-Holland's unforgettable retellings will capture the imagination of readers young and old alike.

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781406381252
  • Published: 04 Oct 2018
  • Price: £15.00
  • Size: 216 x 135 mm
  • Pages: 352

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Customer reviews


'“[…] a magnificent collection of folktales.”' The Guardian

'“One of our best chroniclers of myths and legends”' i newspaper

'“Perfect fireside reading.”' The Financial Times

'“With shadowy, evocative illustrations this is a wonderful volume for the whole family to curl up with on a cold winter’s evening.”' The Daily Mail

'“Between Worlds is one to keep, and Kevin Crossley-Holland’s clean bright direct language is the reason it’s a keeper.”' Society for Storytelling

'“[…] a rich and satisfying collection […]”' Carousel

'“Frances Castle’s evocative black and white illustrations and her page borders add immeasurably to the magic of this beautifully produced book, to create a truly timeless treasure trove.”' Armadillo

'“A really beautiful, useful addition to any school library.”' The School Librarian

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