Black Spring: eBook (Reflowable ePub)

By Alison Croggon

A fantasy reworking of Wuthering Heights which interweaves wizard lore and vendetta with Emily Bronte's beloved classic.

Black Spring takes the passionate story of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights and re-imagines it in a fantasy nineteenth-century society set in savage lands sustained by wizardry, where its people live by the vengeance code of vendetta. Like Wuthering Heights, it's a story within a story, featuring the brooding young Damek, who is swept along by his emotions. The object of his affections is Lina, daughter of the village lord, whose magical powers make her a witch -- and witches are not tolerated in this brutally patriarchal society. When Lina is sent away and forced to become a servant, Damek promises revenge and, like Heathcliff, spends a lifetime securing and refining it.

Categories: Ebooks

For readers aged: 14+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Reflowable
  • ISBN: 9781406341348
  • Published: 03 Jan 2013
  • Price: £7.99

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