Fabulous Frogs

By Martin Jenkins

Illustrated by Tim Hopgood

A bright, funny Nature Storybook about all kinds of frogs from prize-winning author Martin Jenkins, stylishly illustrated by Tim Hopgood.

Winner of an SLA Award. Conservation biologist Martin Jenkins takes a funny and affectionate look at frogs around the world, from the mighty West African Goliath frog and colourful South American Poison Arrow frog to the south-east Asian Flying frog and the humble frog in your garden pond. Both author and illustrator delight in the diversity and occasional weird behaviour of these small and much loved creatures. Tim Hopgood's bold and playful illustrations succeed in capturing each frog's defining characteristics, and the largest and smallest frogs in the world are drawn to scale which helps bring them to life even more. An engaging and informative book with captions, fact pages and an index.

Categories: Non-Fiction

For readers aged: 5+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406365993
  • Published: 04 Aug 2016
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 250 x 230 mm
  • Pages: 32

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