Girls FC 2: Can Ponies Take Penalties?: eBook (ePub)

By Helena Pielichaty

Girls FC: the best team for football and friendship

It’s her team’s first football tournament and Petra Ward can’t wait to play. But her mum has some bad news: the match falls on the same weekend as her older sister Charlotte’s important riding event. As usual, Charlotte (and the ponies) come first. Petra’s compensation is a sleepover at her best friend Megan’s house, but even that doesn’t run smoothly as Megan invites team-mate Jenny-Jane along too. Petra wonders if anyone will ever put her first.

Categories: Ebooks

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Reflowable
  • ISBN: 9781406342581
  • Published: 07 Jun 2012
  • Price: £5.99

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  • Girls-FC-11-Do-Shinpads-Come-in-Pink
  • Girls-FC-12-Here-We-Go

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