Jabari Jumps

By Gaia Cornwall

Working up the courage to take a big, important leap is hard, but Jabari is almost absolutely ready to make a giant splash.

In a sweet tale of overcoming your fears, debut author-illustrator Gaia Cornwall captures a moment at the swimming pool between a patient and encouraging father and a determined little boy you can’t help but root for. Jabari is definitely ready to jump off the diving board. He’s finished his swimming lessons and passed his swimming test, and he’s a great jumper, so he’s not scared at all. “Looks easy,” says Jabari, watching the other kids take their turns. But when his dad squeezes his hand, Jabari squeezes back. He needs to figure out what kind of special jump to do anyway, and he should probably do some stretches before climbing up onto the diving board...

Categories: Picture Books

For readers aged: 3+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406380873
  • Published: 07 Jun 2018
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 288 x 248 mm
  • Pages: 32

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  • Jabari-Jumps

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Customer reviews


'“This gently humorous, ‘building up the courage to embrace your fear’ book is sure to resonate with both children and adults alike: most of us have been there with Jabari’s dad, either as parent or teacher, as a child takes that plunge into the unknown: the idea of treating it as a ‘surprise’ is superb and will definitely ensure that wherever this is shared, it will create a pretty big SPLASH!.”' Red Reading Hub

'A tender portrait of a parent gently guiding their child to process intertwined feelings of apprehension and excitement. The gentle text makes effective use of rhythm and repetition, while the soft mixed media illustrations play with perspective, enabling the reader to empathise with Jabari’s shifting emotions.' Children's Books Ireland - Mind Yourself

'The build up of suspense is excellent. The reader can’t help but will Jabari on and will have all the happy feels when he achieves what he sets out to.' Books That Help

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