Singing for Mrs Pettigrew: A Storymaker's Journey

By Michael Morpurgo

Illustrated by Peter Bailey

An spellbinding insight into storytelling from one of today's greatest writers.

This collection by the 2003–2005 Children's Laureate, Michael Morpurgo, contains short stories, essays and commentaries to illuminate the craft of storytelling. Analyzing all aspects of writing – character, plot, sources and inspiration, retelling and biography – it is perfect for anyone, young or old, who loves great stories and wants to know more about the art of telling tales.

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406305746
  • Published: 06 Aug 2007
  • Price: £6.99
  • Size: 198 x 129 mm
  • Pages: 272

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'From the first sentence of a Michael Morpurgo book, you know you are in the hands of a natural storyteller.' The Guardian

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