Sold: eBook (Reflowable ePub)

By Patricia McCormick

A powerful novel written in vignettes about a a Nepalese girl who risks everything for a chance to reclaim her life.

Thirteen-year-old Lakshmi lives with her family in a small hut on a mountain in Nepal. Though they are desperately poor, Lakshmi’s life is full of simple pleasures: playing hopscotch with her best friend, looking after her black-and-white speckled goat, having her mother brush her hair by the light of an oil lamp. But when Lakshmi’s family lose all that remains of their crops in a monsoon, her stepfather says she must leave home and take a job in the city. Lakshmi undertakes the long journey to India full of hope for her new life, proud to be able to earn, daring to hope that she will make enough money to make her mother proud too. Then she learns the unthinkable truth: for 10,000 rupees she has been sold into prostitution.

Categories: Ebooks

For readers aged: 14+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Reflowable
  • ISBN: 9781406357349
  • Published: 21 Nov 2013
  • Price: £6.99

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Customer reviews


'An accomplished, though disturbing, novel permeated with both tragedy and tenderness.' The Bookseller

'Uneasy but important reading.' Publishing News

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