The Secret Time Machine and the Gherkin Switcheroo

By Simone Lia

A brand-new buddy comedy from the internationally renowned comic artist Simone Lia.

Marcus is in trouble. He didn’t think his friend Laurence would actually believe him when he said his super brainy aunt built the very first time machine. After all, he only invented the story in a spur of the moment bid to win a silly argument! Now how on earth will he make it come true? In this hilarious and quirky new adventure starring the most unlikely of friends – a worm and a bird – Simone Lia pulls out all the theatrical stops to create a perfectly brilliant and laugh-out-loud companion to They Didn’t Teach THIS in Worm School!

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406391657
  • Published: 02 Jul 2020
  • Price: £5.99
  • Size: 180 x 129 mm
  • Pages: 192

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