The Ultimate Wally-Watcher Collection

By Martin Handford

A collection of all seven classic Where’s Wally? books in one sensational slipcase.

Ready yourself for hours of searching with this ultimate collection, featuring the seven extraordinary Where’s Wally? classics, with special extra searches inside every book. Line them all up to reveal Wally walking along the spines! Inside the slipcase you’ll find: Where’s Wally? Where’s Wally Now? Where’s Wally? The Fantastic Journey Where’s Wally? In Hollywood Where’s Wally? The Wonder Book Where’s Wally? The Great Picture Hunt Where’s Wally? The Great Paper Chase

Categories: Character and Series

For readers aged: 5+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: 316 x 253 mm
  • ISBN: 9781529512267
  • Published: 14 Jul 2024
  • Price: £39.99
  • Pages: 224

More to explore...

  • Where-s-Wally-Amazing-Journeys
  • Where-s-Wally-The-Mighty-Magical-Mix-Up
  • The-Ultimate-Wally-Watcher-Collection
  • Where-s-Wally-Words-on-the-Go-Play-Puzzle-Search-and-Solve
  • Where-s-Wally-The-Great-Games-Speed-Search

More books for age 5+

  • Growing-Green-A-First-Book-of-Gardening
  • The-House-on-the-Canal-The-Story-of-the-House-that-Hid-Anne-Frank
  • Where-s-Wally-The-Mighty-Magical-Mix-Up
  • Where-s-Wally-Words-on-the-Go-Play-Puzzle-Search-and-Solve
  • Scotland-Panorama-Pops
  • Where-s-Wally-The-Great-Games-Speed-Search

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