Choo Choo

By Petr Horácek

Lots of fun with trains in this board book that's perfect for little hands to explore!

Choo-choo! The train is ready to leave. Turn the shaped pages and join in with all the noises the train makes as it travels through the woods, over the bridge, into the tunnel ... and all the way to the seaside.

Categories: Books for Babies

For readers aged: 0+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Board Book
  • ISBN: 9781406325065
  • Published: 07 Dec 2009
  • Price: £6.99
  • Size: 160 x 160 mm
  • Pages: 16

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Customer reviews


'Encourage small children to join in with the puff-puffing and vroom-vrooming as you read.' Cork Evening Echo

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Board Book

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