Game Changer: eBook (Reflowable)

By Neal Shusterman

An ambitious and magnetic novel from the New York Times bestselling Neal Shusterman, about a teenage American football player forced into a series of parallel lives.

Ash is used to taking hits on the field for his high school football team – until he takes one that doesn’t just impact his body, but his whole reality. It starts with one small shift, but with every game, every hit, Ash finds himself pushed through a succession of universes almost-but-not-really like his own, until the small shifts in reality become significant shifts in Ash’s own identity. As Ash experiences life from other perspectives, he starts to question the world he thought he knew, as well as the ones he finds himself catapulted into. For better or worse, the one thing Ash knows is that he’s got to find a way to put things back. A searing exploration of race, gender, sexuality and the nature of privilege.

Categories: Ebooks

For readers aged: 14+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Reflowable
  • ISBN: 9781529500714
  • Published: 11 Feb 2021
  • Price: £7.99
  • Pages: 400

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Customer reviews


'A timely, speculative thought experiment in perspective, privilege, and identity.' Kirkus

'Neal Shusterman's books are impossible to put down.' Read Plus

'The originality of Shusterman’s writing and narration makes this story an engaging read. The topics addressed will resonate with all teens in some way, alerting them to the truth of our emerging world.' Reading Time

'The author throws in many topics for older teenagers including racism, sexuality, gender equality, and coercive control in relationships. Family relationships and the difficulties during adolescence are also interwoven in the narrative. A mature teenager will find something in this story to make them think.' The School Librarian

'The conceit behind Shusterman’s latest is truly unique. While it exhibits the author’s usual storytelling aplomb, it also manages to delve into more serious and timely subject matter, such as racism, sexism, and homophobia. Despite these heavy topics, the story still moves at a lively pace and, thanks to a zany sci-fi twist, manages to pack in a few laughs as well.' Booklist

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