Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

By Mo Willems

A hugely entertaining and riotous re-telling of a classic fairy tale from one of the most original and funny voices in children's books today.

Have you ever heard the story of Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs? Yes, you heard right – DINOSAURS. Once upon a time, there were three hungry dinosaurs: Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur and ... a Dinosaur who happened to be visiting from Norway. Of course. One day, purely on a whim, they decided to tidy up their house nice and neat, make their beds up all cosy and comfortable, prepare delicious hot chocolate pudding of varying temperatures, place their chairs just so, and go ... SOMEWHERE ELSE. Let's be clear, they were definitely NOT setting up a trap for some succulent, poorly supervised little girl called Goldilocks who may wander by ... ahem.

Categories: Picture Books

For readers aged: 3+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406355321
  • Published: 03 Jul 2014
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 280 x 230 mm
  • Pages: 40

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Customer reviews


'A dark and witty take on a very familiar story. . . This is a new take on an age-old classic that will ensure LOTS of giggles and LOTS of re-readings - a perfect go-to bedtime story.' Lovereading4kids

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