Gorilla: Big Book

By Anthony Browne

Hannah loves gorillas but has never seen one. Her father's too busy to take her to the zoo - or for anything else come to that. For her birthday, Hannah asks her father for a gorilla - but is disappointed when she discovers that the gorilla she's got is just a toy one. But then something extraordinary happens ... the toy turns into a real gorilla, who puts on her father's hat and coat and takes her off for a magical visit to the zoo...

Categories: Picture Books

For readers aged: 5+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780744578478
  • Published: 06 Nov 2000
  • Price: £25.00
  • Size: 368 x 453 mm
  • Pages: 32

More to explore...

  • A-Boy-His-Dog-and-the-Sea
  • Big-Gorilla-A-Book-of-Opposites
  • Ernest-the-Elephant
  • The-Animal-Fair

More books for age 5+

  • Meena-and-the-Microbiome
  • Clever-Crow
  • Unicornia-A-Magical-Birthday
  • Protecting-the-Planet-Ice-Journey-of-the-Polar-Bear
  • Bear-and-Bird-The-Stars-and-Other-Stories

Customer reviews


'One of the best picture books for the over-threes I've seen in a long time.' Parents

'Sad, joyous and full of surprises for the sharp-eyed...Browne asks his readers to think...His strong visual images are arresting, compulsive.' The Good Book Guide to Children's Books

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