Hank Zipzer 7: The World's Greatest Underachiever and the Parent-Teacher Trouble: eBook (Reflowable ePub)

By Henry Winkler, Lin Oliver

The seventh book in the New York Times bestselling series about the hilarious adventures of a cheeky, loveable hero.

Faked letters, forged signatures … and lies. Hank will stop at nothing to prevent his mum and dad going to parents’ evening. Sometimes, though, help comes from the oddest of places, and a rock concert teaches Hank that being good at school isn’t the only way to make your parents proud.

Categories: Ebooks

For readers aged: 8+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Reflowable
  • ISBN: 9781406344707
  • Published: 21 Feb 2013
  • Price: £4.99

More to explore...

  • Hank-Zipzer-A-Tale-of-Two-Tails
  • Hank-Zipzer-The-Life-of-Me-Enter-at-Your-Own-Risk
  • Hank-Zipzer-11-The-Curtain-Went-Up-My-Trousers-Fell-Down
  • Hank-Zipzer-Who-Ordered-this-Baby-Definitely-Not-Me

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  • The-Puppets-of-Spelhorst
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