Maria's Island

By Victoria Hislop

Illustrated by Gill Smith

A dramatic and moving story set in the same world as the international bestseller The Island from the celebrated novelist Victoria Hislop.

The absorbing story of the Cretan village of Plaka and the tiny, deserted island of Spinalonga – Greece's former leper colony – is told to us by Maria Petrakis, one of the children in the original version of The Island. She tells us of the ancient and misunderstood disease of leprosy, exploring the themes of stigma, shame and the treatment of those who are different, which are as relevant for children as adults. Gill Smith's rich, full-colour illustrations will transport the reader to the timeless and beautiful Greek landscape and Mediterranean seascape.

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781406399073
  • Published: 03 Jun 2021
  • Price: £10.99
  • Size: 229 x 152 mm
  • Pages: 128

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Customer reviews


'The tale is narrated by Maria, one of the children in Hislop’s novel The Island, from which this engrossing yarn is skillfully adapted for younger readers.' The Daily Telegraph

'I loved this book because it was so interesting to learn about the disease, but also to realise that if you are courageous like Maria even illness does not have to hold you back.' Books Up North

'Among the feelings of sorrow, separation and, at times desperation, there is happiness, hope and so much kindness. These are effortlessly woven into an absorbing, realistic and wonderful, wonderful story that must be shared. I adored this book. It is a real treasure. But please, have the box of tissues to hand. There will be tears, both of sadness and joy.' Fallen Star Stories

'I picked this book up as soon as it arrived and couldn’t put it down. My favourite things were the Greek setting and the history in the story, and I loved that the character was called Anna - best name ever! I didn’t know much about this story before I read it and enjoyed finding out about the adventures. I would recommend it to my friends. I liked the illustrations too.' Toppsta

'This children's version is a real triumph! Such an original historical fiction set in Crete. The story and illustrations transport you to Greece. Such an in interesting and lovely story of hope and courage and prejudice. Great for any history or science lover.' Toppsta

'Maria's Island is a beautifully illustrated book, the illustrations help transport you to the Greek Islands of Pplaka and Spinalonga. A story courage and hope.' Toppsta

'Victoria Hislop tells the story through the eyes of Maria, a bright girl with a wayward sister whose mother contracts leprosy and whose own diagnosis, which leads to her exile on the surprisingly cheerful Spinalonga, helps to produce a cure.' The Times & The Sunday Times

'Illustrated by Gill Smith, Maria’s Island by Victoria Hislop is a poignant and emotive historical fiction story, with messages of resilience and courage in the face of prejudice. Smith’s beautiful illustrations help ground the story on the Greek island of Spinalonga. […] A thought-provoking read, and a powerful story of hope and determination.' The Scotsman

'beautifully illustrated . . . This story effortlessly blends love and hope during a trying time, that in many ways mirrors the problems of today. . . full of friendship and family, courage and hope.' Scoop

'“A captivating story . . . Sometimes poignant but never upsetting, this book highlights the strength of love, friendship and resilience over adversity. Complemented wonderfully by Gill Smith’s beautiful illustrations, this is an ideal book for older early readers who are ready explore more complex themes associated such as coping with adversity and having respect for others who may be different from themselves.”' Gazette & Herald

'This story is accompanied by beautiful illustrations that will transport you to the Mediterranean Greek islands."' The Week Junior

'Maria’s Island is a tale of separation, stigma and heartbreak and it is truly an incredible book to read as a family.' Babyccino

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