The Diamond Brothers in The Blurred Man & I Know What You Did Last Wednesday

By Anthony Horowitz

Two Diamond Brothers cases in one sparkling volume by the author of the number one bestselling Alex Rider series.

Meet the Diamond Brothers, the world's worst private-detective agency, in this Chandler-esque spoof by Anthony Horowitz, creator of the bestselling Alex Rider series. Tim Diamond is the world's worst private detective, but unfortunately for his younger brother Nick, the cases keep coming in. First a man runover by a steamroller, and then a remote Scottish island where the guests are dying. Can Nick and Tim find the murderers before it's too late?

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 8+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406369175
  • Published: 05 May 2016
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 198 x 129 mm
  • Pages: 288

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