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Alison Croggon

As a child

I was born in South Africa, because my father was working there as a mining engineer. He moved the family to his native Cornwall when I was four years old, and then to Australia when I was seven. As a result, I spent most of my childhood being confused. This is probably why reading The Lord of the Rings, at ten, was such a turning-point in my life. But then, I always liked making things up.

As an adult

When I left school, I became a cadet journalist on a daily newspaper in Melbourne. I resigned after five years, in order to spend more time writing, and have written more or less full-time ever since. I had a brief period of notoriety as a theatre critic, during which I made a spot on Sixty Minutes, but otherwise I live a quiet and blameless life, in a seaside suburb of Melbourne. I am happiest when I am working hard on something new. I have three children, who are all very excited that I am writing fantasy novels, and am married to the playwright, Daniel Keene.

As an artist

I have published several books of poetry. My poetry has won, or been nominated for, numerous awards and has been published internationally, in many journals. I have written extensively for the theatre, including two operas and several plays, which have been produced all over Australia. I am also a critic and literary editor. I started writing fantasy in 1999, and The Gift was nominated for two Aurealis awards in 2002.

Things you didn't know about Alison Croggon

  1. I hate swimming and was always chosen last for teams in schools sports.
  2. I like Swiss chocolate.
  3. I love playing Nintendo.
  4. I like big dogs but own a Chihuahua.
  5. One of my three cats has only three legs.
  6. I love coffee and think I was born to sit in cafes.
  7. I have a Dalmatian dressing gown (white with black spots), which makes my children laugh.
  8. I cannot ride a bike, but can ride a horse.
  9. I am a very bad gardener, but love gardens.
  10. I have been to Iceland and eaten dried fish that tasted like cardboard.

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