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Britta Teckentrup

As a child

Britta was born in Hamburg in Germany, growing up in a town called Wuppertal. She lived in a house opposite a forest and remembers playing outside a lot with her friends. She read a lot as a child and used to draw pictures based on the characters in those stories.

As an adult

After school, Britta moved to London to study illustration at St Martin’s College of Art, followed by an MA in Printmaking at the Royal College of Art. She has taught at art colleges and has worked for some years as a web designer – but always returned to illustrating children’s books and making images. Britta lives in Surrey with her husband and son.

As an artist

Britta illustrated her first children’s book, Coyote Makes Man, straight after finishing her BA in 1992. Since then she has illustrated many more books and is now also writing her own stories, which are strongly influenced by her young son. He is also her best critic! Britta has worked on projects for the BBC including designing for the Teletubbies and the Tweenies. Britta’s pictures have been used in various contexts including publishing (book covers), murals for schools, advertising, editorial (including Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire and New Scientist) and exhibitions, which regularly take place in London galleries.

Things you didn't know about Britta Teckentrup

  1. Britta’s favourite fruits are raspberries.
  2. She met her husband in a lift.
  3. She used to fall off swings, slides and bicycles a lot when she was little, and has the scars to prove it!
  4. Her two cats are called Sputnik and Oskar.
  5. Britta has met the Teletubbies in Teletubbyland.
  6. She would love to live in a lighthouse.
  7. She doesn’t like driving.
  8. She likes forests.
  9. When she was little, she had a guinea pig called Ferdinand.
  10. She likes to collect old toys.

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