Stonehenge: Panorama Pops

By Gordy Wright

Celebrate Stonehenge with this beautifully illustrated three-dimensional souvenir guide.

Remember your visit to Stonehenge for ever with this beautiful three-dimensional Panorama Pop, featuring highlights of the World Heritage Site and its surroundings. Presented in a beautiful slipcase, the guide unfolds to a length of 1.2 metres and features the history of Stonehenge, the geography and geology of the site, nearby Woodhenge, Durrington Walls and many of the barrows in the prehistoric landscape as well as the story of Stonehenge through the ages. A perfect gift or souvenir for anyone wishing to remember a visit to one of the world's most iconic landmarks.

Categories: Novelty Books

For readers aged: 5+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781406396799
  • Published: 02 Jul 2020
  • Price: £6.00
  • Size: 110 x 100 mm
  • Pages: 24

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