Find Out About ... Animal Camouflage

By Martin Jenkins

Illustrated by Jane McGuinness

A colourful and gentle introduction to the concept of animal camouflage for young children.

Some animals hide in the desert, others hide in the snow – and some don’t hide at all! From insects that look like leaves to underwater creatures that can blend into their background, discover all the clever ways animals use camouflage. Written by the award-winning author Martin Jenkins and illustrated by Jane McGuinness, this beautiful picture book is a perfect introduction to animal camouflage.

Categories: Non-Fiction

For readers aged: 5+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781529500448
  • Published: 06 Oct 2022
  • Price: £12.99
  • Size: 270 x 230 mm
  • Pages: 32

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Customer reviews


'As well as making a lovely addition to a class library, this is a brilliant book for a topic about animals.' Just Imagine

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