I Wonder: A Book of Questions with No Answers

By Philip Bunting

Why are we here? What is the universe made of? What makes me me?

For as long as we’ve been around, humans have always asked questions about ourselves and the world around us. We’ve gathered a lot of knowledge along the way but there is so much more that we still don’t know. From the meaning of life to a cure for the hiccups, this vivid picture book explores some of life's biggest questions. Providing accessible and engaging thoughts, Philip Bunting's idiosyncratic tone encourages young readers to come up with their own answers. With playful text and bright, contemporary illustrations, this quirky gift-book is perfect for the most curious young readers.

Categories: Picture Books

For readers aged: 4+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781529522655
  • Published: 07 Nov 2024
  • Price: £12.99
  • Size: 260 x 250 mm
  • Pages: 40

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