The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Limehouse Laundry: eBook (ePub)

By Anthony Read

The fourth title in a thrilling, fast-paced adventure series about Sherlock Holmes's gang of street-urchin detectives.

London’s docklands: home to a large Chinese community and rife with smuggling – and not only of goods. Into the fray burst Sherlock Holmes’s Irregulars, who find themselves swinging into action (at no little risk to themselves) to stop a thriving racket shanghaiing children into slavery. And never is the cause more desperate than when one of those children is their very own Rosie…

Categories: Ebooks

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Reflowable
  • ISBN: 9781406342376
  • Published: 01 Mar 2012
  • Price: £4.99

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