The Goose Road: eBook (Reflowable ePub)

By Rowena House

A debut novel about one girl's remarkable journey across France during WWI.

France 1916. Angélique Lacroix is haymaking when the postman delivers the news: her father is dead, killed on a distant battlefield. She makes herself a promise: the farm will remain exactly the same until her beloved older brother comes home from the Front. "I think of it like a magical spell. If I can stop time, if nothing ever changes, then maybe he won’t change either." But a storm ruins the harvest, her mother falls ill and then the requisition appears... In a last-ditch attempt to save the farm from bankruptcy, Angélique embarks on a journey across France with her brother's flock of magnificent Toulouse geese.

Categories: Ebooks

For readers aged: 12+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Reflowable
  • ISBN: 9781406381887
  • Published: 05 Apr 2018
  • Price: £7.99
  • Pages: 384

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Customer reviews


'“An impressive debut with a tenacious heroine. One for slightly older fans of Emma Carroll’s historical fiction.”' The Bookseller

'“House is a wonderful storyteller, combining simple prose with a relish for domestic detail. This is a story that young readers will remember long after GCSE timelines have been forgotten.”'

'“House is a wonderful storyteller, combining simple prose with a relish for domestic detail. This is a story that young readers will remember long after GCSE timelines have been forgotten.”' The Telegraph

'“An enjoyable book that tells a different kind of war story. Young Angélique Lacroix makes a great heroine and her epic journey across France with her geese to save the family farm, is amazing.' Ross, 11, LoveReading

'“The Goose Road’ is now one of my favourite books! It can change your mood in a second! You are happy then suddenly you are almost crying! It’s romantic, happy, sad, adventurous….all of my favourite things in one book!”' Hope, 11, LoveReading

'A gem ... House is a wonderful storyteller.' The Telegraph

'A beautiful historical quest bursting with resilience & hope.' South Wales Evening Post

'“The Goose Road is an emotional rollercoaster, and a great read for anyone interested in history, war, adventure and stories with heart.”' Reading Zone

'“This is a beautifully imagined story”' Oldie

'“House is a wonderful storyteller, combining simple prose with a relish for domestic detail.”'

'“It will bring tears to your eyes, but it will fill you with a sense of wonder and expectation.”' Fallen Star Stories

'“It is well researched, well written and an uplifting story with a satisfying ending.”' Lisa Redmond, Historical Novel Society Magazine

'“An excellent debut novel… a timely reminder that wars are not only fought on the battlefields.”' Carousel

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