The Queen in the Cave

By Júlia Sardà

In her debut as author-illustrator, Júlia Sardà spins an enthralling and evocative tale, rich with layers of meaning to be discovered.

One night, Franca has a dream about a marvellous queen, who lives in a dark cave, deep in the forest. She cannot sit still until she knows if her dream is true! So, together with her younger sisters, Carmela and Tomasina, she ventures into the forest at the end of their garden. As they travel deeper through nettles and thickets, drawing closer and closer to the cave, the world shifts ... everything shrinks and expands at the same time. They are somewhere new now, somewhere different. Here, they meet beasts and creatures that shock and delight them, and escape horrible things that utterly frighten them. They learn how to be brave, to be bold, to face their darkest fears. And what of the queen? Well, what they find in the cave is perhaps the most unexpected thing of all...

Categories: Picture Books

For readers aged: 5+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781529524239
  • Published: 19 Sep 2024
  • Price: £8.99
  • Size: 245 x 190 mm
  • Pages: 64

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Customer reviews


'Three sisters sneak out for a nighttime adventure in Sardà’s fantastical picture book, which taps into the wonderous imagination of childhood and hints at what lies beyond. . . . Sardà unleashes a phantasmagoric blend of beauty and eeriness in her intricate, antique-hued illustrations. . . supremely exciting. . . . An unforgettable story that will leave readers with their eyes wide open.' Booklist (starred review)

'The “wonders [are] infinite” in this surreal early reader. . . . The eye-catching illustrations feature colorful geometric objects, bright and patterned creatures, and big-eyed children whose movements are stiff, goofy, and evocative as they dare to “go where no one has ever gone before!”' Foreword Reviews

'In imagery reminiscent of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Sardà poignantly evokes the moment an eldest sister pursues a way her sisters can’t go, a moment of growth and change that’s reflected in the flamboyant, stylish disorientation of her illustrations. Appropriately, the book brings picture book and short story together; it’s a work on the cusp, as if its very mode connotes transition.' The Horn Book

'A beautifully illustrated longform picture book that explores the unease and bravery that comes with growing up.' School Library Connection

'Mystical and sumptuously illustrated. . .a strange and beautiful story for children ages 5-9.' The Wall Street Journal

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